Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More than ususal it is just about fishing...

I know the site is called "Yeah we fish too" but more than often it is usually just about fishing. This is important to me becasue at the end of the road, that's all it is. So enjoy the sounds of Jimmy Buffet as you witness the original in modern day fishing films. You can't beat the 70's in the Keys chasing Tarpon. Before the O'Keefes, Kauffman's, Wejebes and Pallots were known there were guys like this...

You know..I wonder how valuable a guide was in South Florida in the 70's to someone who needed to move things quietly through backcountry waters? Marinate on that San Pablo Escobar...

1 comment:

Tom Sorenson said...

A dream of mine to hook into one of those silvery beasts. Thanks for the link to the video - good stuff.
