Monday, July 14, 2008

DQ Strikes Again....The Methow never looks so sweet!!

So I am sitting at the dinner table with my wife last night and I get a message on my blackberry from DQ. Yes DQ is at it again. The Methow River got a visit fro DQ and the infamous Ryan Smith. Needless to say, with the brown skinned Leprechaun in the boat the slaying commenced and didn't stop until the sun set on the day. What a ridiculous summer DQ...Marinate

Ryan Smith is one of the best guides in the Seattle area on the fly and a good friend. One of the finest in the Emerald Water Anglers group. We need to fish together more Ryan!

1 comment:

Terry Scoville said...

Hey great photos,stories and what nice fish! Just found you via your spotlight moment at OSB. I'll be back. . .
