Monday, March 24, 2008

The only cat I know with papers...

What papers you may ask?? Well your Offical Federation of Fly Fisherman Single Hand Fly Rod Casting Instructor Certificate!!! This is the driver's license that you need to show others how to fly fish properly. It's kind of a big deal in fly fishing. Two test. One written and one verbal. Sounds a lot easier than it is.

My man Ron Thomas is the only African American that I know of that has this cert. If you know of more. Please enlighten me! I think we need more of them, including myself!

Other than that, Ron works at the Orvis in Atlanta. He guides, does lessons and pays the bills! It would be in ATL that we would have a certified brother working at an ORVIS store..We'll have done something when we get one in Salt Lake City...Marinate on that!

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